So gas prices have risen to almost $4.00 a gallon and seemingly no end in sight.Our President says tht "green energy" is the way to go. Really?!! Prime examples of Gov. sponsered GE,Solyndra.Chevy Volt,etc.... The prob i have with all this green energy is we will still pay for it. Wind farms r now being paid to not make electricity. the costs of which gets passed along to consumer. Nothing is free or cheap.
Lets say I own stock in an energy company. I own it to make money right. thts why i bought it. now my company is producing less energy buut i still want to make money on tht stock. Damn I gotta raise prices or I wont make any money.If there is less to produce you still have to make money on the product tht you do make. hence higher prices. I belive they call tht ECONOMICS 101.DUH!!!
Although drilling and producing more "fossil fuels" wont immediatly solve the prob. over time it would help to balance tht supply and demand cycle.Right now as long as our Gov. refuses to allow more and SERIOUS exploration there seems to be no relief in sight. A new pres. will not totally solve this.Throwing good money after bad wont help either.
Now I'm not the smartest man in the world by far,but I do have common sense, and tht says we cant keep going this way and expect our economy to get better. Energy aint the only problem our country has but it is a serious one.
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