So it's been a while since i posted. Much has happened in our little world of our's. A few things bother me, well more than a few but I don't need to go far to get your attention. What's goin on in D.C. bothers me. When I went to school I learned that we have 3 Branches of Gov. Legislative,Judicial,and Executive. With no one branch more powerful than the other. Thus developed a system of checks and balances in our Gov. that has worked well for over 200 years. Now we have one Branch Telling ("Strongley Suggesting") to another that they should not overturn a law Passed by another Branch. The President said earlier this week that it would be and I quote,"unprecedented".This coming from a Harvard Constitutional law teacher. It really is amazing to watch all this take place. There seems to be something fundamentally wrong witht the thinking in the Whithouse. Example: Muslim Brotherhood,sworn enemys of this country,helped prob plan and kill Americans all around the world. Now this PRES. want to wine,dine,n talk to them in D.C. of all places. These same people tht my SON"S,yours,family and friends have fought against and gave their live's fighting to protect us from are COMING TO AMERICA. Now I'm not a rocket scientest(They r in IRAN) but why let the 'FOX" in the henhouse or should we say Whitehouse.Really!!! If you wanna talk peace thts cool. But not in our own House. a nuetral site is good for me just like all the other times in History. Now to me this is 'UNPRECEDENTED" .Inviting TERRORIST'S into our own home. Reagan would be and prob is rollin in his grave. What does this administration want to accomplish with this. I'm not sure but my gut tells me it aint good. This not the first time this Pres. has reached out to terrorist orginization's. And speaking of Iran, that situation there should scare the hell out of us all. This administration appears to b letting Iran get the "BOMB" first then try to do something afterwards. A little late I would say. If you think you have high gas and energy prices now let them get 'theBOMB" and you wont be able to afford to do much at all. Would'n surprise me to see Double the price we see now. Of course 'CHU' said tht in 2008 we should have european style gas prices. So here goes the theory.Iran bomb,no oil,higher prices,Whithouse happy. who's holdin who's hand here people. OH,I forget, they get their higher prices. all seems a little fishy to me. What's goin on folks aint good, and if we continue down this road we might as well oppen the doors and let the bastards in. It seems to be where this administration wants to take us anyhow.1 wolrd,1 gov,1 money. That writing is on the wall unless we erase it.
im just sayin
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